This page last changed on May 31, 2006 by tcarlson.

Configuring Mule and Apache Axis.

  • Getting started - Introduction to exposing Mule services over Axis and invoking Soap services.
  • Configuring Axis - Controlling WSDL generation, named parameters, Advanced Service configuration, etc.
  • Axis Soap Transports - Using Axis over Jms, Vm, Smtp and other Mule transports.
  • Axis SOAP Styles - Configuring services for Doc/Lit, Message or RPC style invocations.

Glue Web Services - Configuring Mule and Webmethods Glue.

XFire Web Services - Configuring Mule and XFire STaX-based Web services framework.

Soap Transport Provider - A guide to Mule Soap configuration.

Mule Client - The Universal Mule Client can be used as a soap client.


Echo Example - A simple example of exposing a Mule service as a web service using Axis.

Spring Events - An example of how to Have you Spring Beans use Mule transports without configuring the Mule Server. The example demonstates using JMS, Axis web services and Email.

Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27